Xinfeng Wang

Ph.D. at University of Yamanashi


Hi there! This is Xinfeng Wang (王欣峰 in Chinese), a second-year Ph.D. student at the University of Yamanashi, in Japan. I received a Dual M.S. in Computer Science of Hangzhou Dianzi University in China and University of Yamanashi in Japan.

🔭 My Research Interest includes: Recommendation System, Data Mining, and Natural Language Processing.

📫 Reach me at;

✨✨ News ✨✨
May 16th 2024 - We have a short paper accepted to ACL'24 Main! [RDRec]
April 8th 2024 - We have two papers accepted to SIGIR'24! [CaDRec] [NFARec]



  • CaDRec: Contextualized and Debiased Recommender Model.
    Xinfeng Wang, Fumiyo Fukumoto, Jin Cui, Yoshimi Suzuki, Jiyi Li, Dongjin Yu.
    [SIGIR 2024] full paper [pdf] [code]

  • NFARec: A Negative Feedback-Aware Recommender Model.
    Xinfeng Wang, Fumiyo Fukumoto, Jin Cui, Yoshimi Suzuki, Dongjin Yu.
    [SIGIR 2024] full paper [pdf] [code]

  • RDRec: Rationale Distillation for LLM-based Recommendation.
    Xinfeng Wang, Jin Cui, Yoshimi Suzuki, Fumiyo Fukumoto.
    [ACL 2024] short paper [pdf] [code]

  • Enhanced Coherence-Aware Network with Hierarchical Disentanglement for Aspect-Category Sentiment Analysis.
    Jin Cui, Fumiyo Fukumoto, Xinfeng Wang, Yoshimi Suzuki, Jiyi Li, Noriko Tomuro and Wanzeng Kong.
    [LREC-COLING 2024] long paper [pdf] [code]

  • MARAN: Supporting awareness of users’ routines and preferences for next POI recommendation based on spatial aggregation.
    Xiaoxiao Sun, Boyi Huang, Xinfeng Wang, Dongjin Yu.
    [ESWA 2024] [pdf] Expert System with Applications (IF2023=8.3).


  • EEDN: Enhanced encoder-decoder network with local and global context learning for POI recommendation.
    Xinfeng Wang, Fumiyo Fukumoto, Jin Cui, Yoshimi Suzuki, Jiyi Li, Dongjin Yu.
    [SIGIR 2023] full paper [pdf] [code]

  • STaTRL: Spatial-temporal and text representation learning for POI recommendation.
    Xinfeng Wang, Fumiyo Fukumoto, Jiyi Li, Xiaoxiao Sun, Dongjin Yu.
    [APIN 2023] [code] Applied Intelligence (IF2022=5.068)

  • Multidirectional short-term traffic volume prediction based on spatiotemporal networks.
    Xiaoxiao Sun, Xinfeng Wang, Boyi Huang, Dongjin Yu.
    [APIN 2023] [code] Applied Intelligence (IF2022=5.068), 53(20), 24458-24473. 2023.

  • Aspect-Category Enhanced Learning with a Neural Coherence Model for Implicit Sentiment Analysis.
    Jin Cui, Fumiyo Fukumoto, Xinfeng Wang, Yoshimi Suzuki, Jiyi Li, Wanzeng Kong.
    [EMNLP 2023 finding] [pdf] [code]

Before 2023

  • Spatio-temporal convolutional residual network for regional commercial vitality prediction.
    Dongjin Yu, Xinfeng Wang, Liangping, Xiaoxiao Sun.
    [MTA 2022] Multimedia Tools and Applications (IF2022=3.6)

  • Prediction of regional commercial activeness and entity condition based on online reviews.
    Dongjin Yu, Xinfeng Wang, Xiaoxiao Sun.
    [IJSEKE 2020] International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE, IF2020=1.47)


  • NEC C&C Foundation Grants for International Conference Presenter at SIGIR'24, July 2024.
  • Japan-China Science and Technology Exchange Association Grants for Research on International Students from China, Jan 2024.
  • University of Yamanashi Grants for international conference presenter at SIGIR'23, July 2023.
  • Foundation of Promotion of Electrical Communication Grants for international conference presenter at SIGIR'23, July 2023.
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